Reaction Roles
Create automatic role assignments with Reaction Roles. You can customize them to your liking and add, remove, and edit them as needed. All Discord emojis as well as custom server emojis are supported.
Move all members with certain roles to a voice channel and/or delete multiple messages at once to save time and not have to delete each message manually.
Create giveaways for your members. You can customize the date, number of winners, and any additional information you want to provide. After the time limit, winners will be chosen at random. Giveaways can also be limited to certain roles.
Twitch Live Notifications
Stay up to date with your favorite streamers with Twitch Live Notifications. Be the first to know when a stream starts and stay on top of things.
Notifications for Free Games
Want more games in your library but can't or don't want to buy any at the moment? No problem! We'll notify you when free games are available on Epic Games, GOG & Steam so you can snag them.